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Tytuł pozycji:

Incentives to Attract FDI: Evidence from the Łódź Province

Incentives to Attract FDI: Evidence from the Łódź Province
Dorożyński, Tomasz
Libudzisz, Zdzisława Red.
Kowal, Krystyna Red.
Żakowska, Zofia Red.
Data publikacji:
Warszawa : Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN
Słowa kluczowe:
foreign capital
special economic zones
business in Łódź
investment incentives
foreign direct investment
business internationalization
Opis fizyczny:
555 s.
staroangielski (ok. 450-1100)
Spis treści  Link otwiera się w nowym oknie
Dostawca treści:
IBUK Libra
  Przejdź do źródła  Link otwiera się w nowym oknie

Internationalisation is an important process currently observed in the contemporary global economy. It consists in creating and developing diverse forms of cross-border ties between enterprises and foreign direct investment is an example of these. Multinational enterprises are looking for optimal locations in almost all (politically and economically safe) countries and regions across the globe.
Most governments actively compete for investors by offering different incentive schemes, such as, inter alia, fiscal, financial, regulatory, and technical and information instruments and measures. The primary research goal of the study is to assess the importance of incentives offered to foreign direct investors by the evaluation of their effects understood in this case as investor reaction to such incentives. Hence, the process is seen from the investor perspective. The first part of the monograph is devoted to theoretical aspects of assisting foreign investors. The second part, which is empirical, discusses studies conducted to assess the relevance of incentives from the point of view of the host country economy.
The publication is addressed mainly to economists and representatives of international business. It may also be of interest to people engaged in business operations in international contexts: managers, experts, representatives of public administration. The monograph should also be recommended as an excellent supplementary reading for students of all university courses connected with the internationalisation of enterprises.

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